How to build and deploy a Node API on Vercel Serverless functions

Get your REST API deployed in less than 10 minutes!

Gui Bibeau
3 min readJul 13, 2020

Vercel Serverless Functions

Vercel, the company behind Next.js and the SWR fetching library, has a nice serverless offering. They recently came out with zero configuration deployments. These deployments open the door to really fast project setup and deployments. Today, in this first tutorial we will cover how to set up a Typescript REST API using Vercel Serverless Functions with minimal overhead.

Setting up

We first need to install the Vercel CLI and log in. Be sure you have an account at Vercel.

yarn global add vercelvercel login

The login step will require you to enter your email and follow the instructions. Make sure you complete the instructions and then create a new project.

mkdir vercel-apicd vercel-apiyarn init -ymkdir api

Let’s add the only dev dependency to run our project locally.

yarn add vercel -D

Once this is done, open the project folder in your favourite editor and open package.json. We will need to add a script section to have a proper dev environment. We will need a script for deploying and a script for starting the dev server. Your file should look like this.

{"name": "vercel-api","version": "1.0.0","main": "index.js","license": "MIT","scripts": {"start": "vercel dev","deploy": "vercel deploy --prod"},"devDependencies": {"vercel": "^19.1.1"}}

Our last step before running the project is locally is to connect it to the Vercel dashboard. From the root of the project run vercel and accept all the default parameters. We are using Vercel's 0 configs set up. The project will be uploaded the first time but will not contain any endpoints.

We now need to create our first endpoint. Create the api/index.ts file. Vercel will define your API routes based on your folder and file structure. It will look under each folder or file for a default export and will create a corresponding serverless function to handle the route. Now, let's add the following code to our base API route in api/index.ts

import { NowRequest, NowResponse } from "@vercel/node";export default (req: NowRequest, res: NowResponse) => {   return res.json({ message: "Hello World" });};

Run the project using

yarn start

This will start a local development server on http://localhost:3000/api. Navigating to this first endpoint will give you a Hello world Message.

Now let’s go ahead and add a dynamic route using query parameters. Vercel Serverless Function handles dynamic routes in a similar way to Next.js. You can use the [paramName].ts syntax to define the name of the query parameter. To see this in action, let's create a user folder and id route:

mkdir api/userstouch "api/users/[id].ts"

In your api/users/[id].ts file, add the following code.

import { NowRequest, NowResponse } from "@vercel/node";
const users = ["Bob Smith", "Guillaume Bibeau"];
export default (req: NowRequest, res: NowResponse) => {const { id } = req.query;res.status(200).json({ user: users[Number(id)] });};

You can access the query parameter under the req.query object made available to the handler. Navigating or sending a request to http://localhost:3000/api/users/0 Should now give you the corresponding user from the users array: {user: "Bob Smith"}.


Now that you have the basic folder structure and code of your API we can proceed and deploy the API on Vercel’s cloud platform. One interesting thing to note before proceeding is that Vercel is lets us use Typescript without even needing to compile in Webpack or having to configure anything. While this is not recommended for production projects, it is interesting to get a prototype API online quickly! Now let’s deploy all of this:

yarn deploy

The Vercel CLI will proceed to build all the necessary Serverless Functions bundles and you can just sit while the magic happens. After a couple of seconds, you should be prompted with the deployed URL to your service. To test it out navigate to the URL and add then to /api/users/0. You should get the same results as the development server.


Getting an API project started with Vercel Serverless functions is convenient and really fast. Here are some takeaways:

  • Vercel takes zero configurations and is able to run your project.
  • You can start using Typescript, Javascript or any supported languages.
  • The repo code is here Github.

Send any questions or comments at!

Originally published at



Gui Bibeau

Senior Staff Engineer Consensys, Ex Vercel, Shutterstock, Udacity, TD Bank.